Asia PE-VC Summit 2023: LPs becoming selective, while GPs struggling to close funds

Asia PE-VC Summit 2023: LPs becoming selective, while GPs struggling to close funds

(From L to R) Joji Thomas Philip, Founder & Editor-in-Chief, DealStreetAsia; Dr. Thomas Lanyi, Chief Executive Officer (Singapore), Head Southeast Asia & Co-Head Global Crossborder Transactions, CDH Investment Advisory Pte Ltd; Audrey The-Dumas, Managing Director, Cambridge Associates; Goh Hui Yang, Head of Alternative Investments Asia, Pictet Wealth Management; Carl Rodrigues, Private Equity Partnership Investments, Member of Management, Partners Group

The impact of market uncertainties is definitely being felt by both limited partners (LPs) and general partners (GPs) in Asia, creating nuances in fundraising activity in the region.

Edited by: Pramod Mathew